About Us
Oxnard Adult School serves the adult population of the Oxnard Union High School District, encompassing the communities of Oxnard, Port Hueneme, and Camarillo. The goal of the educational program is to contribute to successful schools, strong community, and a skilled workforce.
The focus of the school is to provide the basic educational skills needed for all adults to communicate in English, access information, and work independently to further the successful achievement of their goals. Classes are offered daytime and evening hours. Many programs are available on an open-entry, open-exit, self-paced basis, providing students with an accessible, flexible, and positive learning environment.
Vision Statement:
Oxnard Adult School empowers and equips all students to be lifelong learners and powerful participants in today’s global community.
Mission Statement:
Oxnard Adult School prepares and empowers students to achieve educational, career and personal goals;
promoting lifelong learning in a safe, supportive and multicultural environment.
About the City of Oxnard
The city of Oxnard is situated along a beautiful stretch of Pacific coastline about 60 miles northwest of Los Angeles. As you enter Oxnard, the first thing you’re likely to spot is the surrounding farmlands, with a patchwork of crops and orchards nestled along a narrow coastal plain. With such fertile lands, it stands to reason that Oxnard enjoys temperate weather throughout the year.
Student Rights/Non-Discrimination
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504, Title VI and Title IX
The Oxnard Union High School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnic group, sex, religion, age, handicap or lack of English skills in admission to, or employment in its programs and activities. The Oxnard Union High School District has designated Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services.
to serve as Section 504 coordinator and any questions should be directed to the Assistant Superintendent. Students with physical or mental disabilities shall be identified, evaluated and if determined to be disabled under the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Section 504, shall be afforded reasonable accommodations for their education. Should a student have a disagreement with the District’s determination or accommodation, a complaint may be filed under the District’s Uniform Complaint Policy.
Tobacco Free Campus
CA Health & Safety Code 104495
Smoking or use of any tobacco-related products and disposal of any tobacco-related waste within 25 feet of school grounds, except on a public sidewalk located within 25 feet of the school grounds is prohibited.
Uniform Complaint Policy
Pursuant to Board Policy 1312.3,. a complaint alleges a matter which, if true, would constitute a violation of state or federal law(s) or regulation(s) or complaints regarding district personnel or matters regarding instructional materials. If a person wishes to file such a complaint, a form is to be obtained in the Adult School Office and completed in its entirety and returned to the Adult school Principal or to the District Complaint Officer (the Assistant Superintendent-Educational Services). Oxnard Adult School is an accredited high school and post-secondary institution approved by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. and is authorized to issue high school diplomas and proficiency certificates. All courses offered are approved by the Oxnard Union High School District Board of Trustees and the California State Department of Education. Nursing classes are accredited by the State of California. It is the policy of the Oxnard Union High School District to assign students irrespective of ethnic group, religion age, color, sex or physical or mental disability as per Title IX regulations.
Derechos de los Estudiantes/Póliza de no Descriminacón
Decreto de Rehabilitación de 1973, Sección 504, Artículos VI y IX
The Oxnard Union High School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnic group, sex, religion, age, handicap or lack of English skills in admission to, or employment in its programs and activities. The Oxnard Union High School District has designated Asistente del Superintendente de Servicios Académicos.
como coordinador de la sección 504 y cualquier tipo de pregunta deberá ser dirigida al mismo. Los estudiantes con impedimentos físicos o mentales deberán ser identificados, evaluados y si se determina que están incapitados bajo el Decreto de Rehabilitación de 1973, Sección 504, entonces se les deberá proveer con los arreglos necesarios para que continúen su educación. Si un estudiante estuviera en desacuerdo con la decisión o arreglo del Distrito, se puede someter una queja la cual está amparada por la Póliza de Quejas Uniformes del Distrito.
Plantel Libre de Tabaco
Código de Salud y Deguridad de CA 104495
Es prohibido fumar o usar productos relacionados al tabaco y disponer de desechables relacionados al tabaco dentro de 25 pies del plantel de la escuela, excepto en una acera pública localizada dentro de 25 pies del plantel
Procedimientos Uniformes de Quejas
Conforme a la Board Policy 1312.3,. una queja alega la situación, si en efecto ésta constituye una violación de las leyes estatales o federales, o del reglamento o queja del personal del distrito, o pertinente a los materiales de instrucción. Si la persona desea someter tal queja, debe obtenerse el formulario correspondiente en la Oficina de la Escuela para Adultos, llenarse completamente y devolverse al Director de la Escuela para Adultos o al Oficial de Quejas del Distrito (siendo el Asistente del Superintendente de Servicios Académicos). La Escuela para Adultos de Oxnard es una institución acreditada en los niveles de secundaria y pos-secundaria, aprobada por la Asociación de Escuelas y Colegios del Oeste. (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) y está autorizada a expedir diplomas/certificados de estudios a nivel secundaria o su equivalente. Todos los cursos que se imparten están aprobados por el Consejo Administrativo del Distrito Unido de Escuelas Secundarias de Oxnard y por el Departmamento de Educación del Estado de California. Es la política del Distrito Unido de Escuelas Secundarias de Oxnard el de aceptar estudiantes independientemente de su grupo étnico, religión, edad, color, sexo, o incapidad fósica o mental, tal y como lo estipula el reglamento del Artículo IX.